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How to know the availability of products?

On our site, under the price of a product, it is indicated if the product is in stock or not.

If a product is not in stock, we will indicate an approximate restocking date. For certain products that are in high demand and/or rare, you will find a form to register on the product's waiting list. Once registered, you will be kept informed of production progress.


If you want to know more about our stock, please contact us by email at hello@kuksa.shop.

Delivery dates may vary according to our stock levels. Our products are manufactured in small quantities, so at certain times we may not have any in stock.

Our products on the waiting list

Our kuksa products are sometimes on waiting lists. In fact, these products are in high demand by our customers and take a long time to make. This is mainly due to the fact that the wood used to make kuksa is rare and only harvested at certain times of the year.

If you want to buy a product that's on the waiting list, you have to sign up and wait until you're contacted to find out about the new stock. Generally, only a few items are restocked (less than 10). Not everyone on the waiting list will be able to get the product right away; the first people on the waiting list will be the first to be contacted.


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